Category: Tutorials

Drupal: set up a draggable card sort view – Part 3

<= Back to previous section “Part 2 of 8”

  1. Once the fields have been selected, each can be configured with display and behavior settings.

    Under Fields, click the blue text "Node: Body" to view the settings for that field. If you wish, enter some text that will be displayed if there is no body text in a node or, alternatively, check "Hide if empty."
    (see below)

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Beginning Eclipse CVS – Branching: Merge changes back to the Trunk

<= Back to previous section “Create a Branch”

    When last we left Paul, he was working in the branch p1test. Now he is going to close his branch, open the Trunk and merge his changed files down to the Trunk. If you were playing Paul before, you may still have his branch open. If not, skip to this step.

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Beginning Eclipse CVS – Branching Tutorial 5: Work in the branch

<= Back to previous section “Create a Branch”

    NOTE: This section of the Eclipse CVS tutorial is based on Paul Glezen’s article on the Eclipse website: Branching with Eclipse and CVS, and is used with his permission under the terms of the EPL license. The changes I am making to his version are mainly to expand it with more step by step images and explanations, and integrate it with my own beginner tutorials in an attempt to make it more accessible to beginners and designers. Experienced developers will probably prefer to work from Paul’s version.
  1. Paul is working in the branch p1test. Open f1.txt in the text editor (Double-click f1.txt or right click it and select Open in Text Editor).

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Beginning Eclipse CVS – Branching Tutorial 4: Create a branch

<= Back to previous section “Share the Project”

    NOTE: This section of the Eclipse CVS tutorial is based on Paul Glezen’s article on the Eclipse website: Branching with Eclipse and CVS, and is used with his permission under the terms of the EPL license. The changes I am making to his version are mainly to expand it with more step by step images and explanations, and integrate it with my own beginner tutorials in an attempt to make it more accessible to beginners and designers. Experienced developers will probably prefer to work from Paul’s version.

    Now that you have created a project, the other people on your team should check it out from CVS. If they aren’t sure how to check out a project from CVS, have them view this tutorial then return here.

    Scenario walkthrough

    We’ll be following the workflow shown in the diagram below. This article will employ a scenario of two programmers, Paul and Wing, working on separate branches of the same project. 


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Beginning Eclipse CVS – Branching Tutorial 3: Share the Project

<= Back to previous section “Create the Workspace and Project”

NOTE: This section of the Eclipse CVS tutorial is based on Paul Glezen’s article on the Eclipse website: Branching with Eclipse and CVS, and is used with his permission under the terms of the EPL license. The changes I am making to his version are mainly to expand it with more step by step images and explanations, and integrate it with my own beginner tutorials in an attempt to make it more accessible to beginners and designers. Experienced developers will probably prefer to work from Paul’s version.

Now that you’ve created a new project, check it into the CVS repository so your team can collaborate on it.

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Beginning Eclipse CVS – Branching Tutorial 2: Create the Project

<= Back to previous section “Branching Strategies”

NOTE: This section of the Eclipse CVS tutorial is based on Paul Glezen’s article on the Eclipse website: Branching with Eclipse and CVS, and is used with his permission under the terms of the EPL license. The changes I am making to his version are mainly to expand it with more step by step images and explanations, and integrate it with my own beginner tutorials in an attempt to make it more accessible to beginners and designers. Experienced developers will probably prefer to work from Paul’s version.

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