Category: Tutorials

SQL Server: Clone a database with all its objects

A previous post covered the steps to copy table structure and data to a new or existing database.

To copy all the objects (tables, users, constraints, etc.) from one SQL Server database to another database, use the Generate Scripts function in SQL Server Management Studio.

  1. In the Object Explorer, right click the name of the database. Select Tasks > Generate Scripts…

  2. The Script Wizard will open. Click Next.

  3. Select the source database. If you want to copy ALL objects, make sure Script all objects in the selected database is checked. If the box is not checked, you will get a chance to choose the objects you want to include later.

    Click Next.

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SQL Server tutorial: Copy database tables to another database

To export the table structure and data from one SQL Server database to another existing or new database, use the Export Data… function in SQL Server Management Studio. This procedure will not copy any of the other database objects such as constraints, stored procedures, or users.

  1. In the Object Explorer, right click the name of the database. Select Tasks >Export Data…

  2. Continue reading

Set up a Cron job in Windows to run an ASP script

If you are used to Linux environments, and working on a web application which needs to execute a function at regular intervals, you’d use a cron job. On Windows, you’d use a scheduled task instead. There is one part of the process that isn’t obvious, so here are the steps involved:

  1. Create the web page that executes the desired tasks – sending email, creating files, etc. For example, I have some ASP scripts that create RSS and iCal feeds from a proprietary database, that need to run daily. Record the URL for later.
  2. You will also need a domain account that can run the task, or a server account that can be used in perpetuity to run these types of tasks. I usually have a “fake” account that will never expire created for this type of thing.
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Multiple JW players on a page, revised for JW Player 4.7

The JW Player is a very popular open-source media player which not only supports many video, audio and image formats, but has many scriptable behaviors. Here we’ll make use of the JavaScript API to generate as many players as you want on a page. The generated players all have separate event listeners to keep them from interfering with each other. Events or actions executed in one player do not affect others.

Article Outline

  • Add placeholders for each player
  • Playlists
  • Call the init function
  • This is a new version of that was compatible with an earlier version of the JW Player. This one has been updated to work with JW Player 4.7.761 and later.

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    Best Groupwise calendar app for iPad so far…

    Novell’s Groupwise version 7 is not compatible with the iCalendar (.ics) format. This makes viewing your Groupwise calendar a challenge on an iPhone or iPad.

    In the past, I’ve used a kludgy method of syncing my Groupwise calendar to iCal by delegating any received appointments to a Google calendar, then subscribing to that calendar with iCal. This was hardly a perfect system: appointments would get missed or doubled sometimes. So it was nice to finally find a better solution: “GW Calendar” from Ghost Pattern Software.

    GW Calendar allows you to see your Groupwise calendar in realtime in either one-day or week views. It also allows you to forward, accept and decline meetings, but not create new ones or do busy searches. There is no month view yet. And most importantly, no Push notification of upcoming meetings. However it is quite useful for accurate viewing of your Groupwise calendar over the next few days.

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    Create photo-illustration effects with Photoshop

    I’ve been experimenting with enhancing some of my photos in Photoshop to create more interesting images. I use a Canon PowerShot SD 990IS point-and-shoot camera that does a good job on the whole, but because the lens isn’t very high quality, images sometimes come out somewhat hazy. The camera actually captures a lot of detail but it takes some processing to bring it out. I’m not against using some tricks to emphasize what’s good about the picture, even to the point where it crosses the line into illustration.


    For this project, I started with a fairly unexciting picture of my dining room. Its one strong point was the sunlight streaming in the windows which brought out the colors in the wood chair and tablecloth. This picture was one of several shots of the same scene with different exposure settings.

    This was the lightest one, chosen for the detail visible through the windows. However in choosing the lightest exposure, the tablecloth lost a lot of its color. However I thought it had potential.

    Original image


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