Author: ellen

Create multi-sco learning modules using the Reload Editor: Part II

Reload Editor Tutorial Part II -Create course Structure

  1. The item called “Organizations” represents the entire Learning Module. This is the trunk of the course-structure tree you will build. The individual SCO’s you have imported will be items within an “organization” that is contained within the main “Organizations” item.

  2. Right click “Organizations” item. Select Add Organization.
  3. Reload - Add Organization Continue reading

Create multi-sco learning modules using the Reload Editor: Part I

Reload Editor Tutorial Part I – Create a package and import resources
With an emphasis on use for SumTotal 6.5 and SCORM 1.2

Once you have completed building a single learning module (called a “SCO” or “Shareable Content Object” in SCORM terms), you will probably want to link it together with a quiz or with other learning module SCO’s.

To piece together multiple SCO’s into a single learning module, you will need to replace the manifests created with each SCO with a single manifest that lists all of them. The Reload Editor is a tool which will allow you to create manifests which aggregate all types of learning modules together into a larger package.

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Captivate and SumTotal 6.5: Part 2. Enable SCORM output


Captivate works well with SumTotal 6.5, but you must be careful to choose the right SCORM settings for exporting your Captivate file. You may set these preferences before you publish, or during the publishing process. Setting preferences before publishing and saving them with the file is probably a little safer, but it can be done either way.

IMPORTANT! Your Captivate module must include at least 1 scored interaction to be SCORM compliant. This can be as simple as a transparent click-box that must be clicked to continue on with the presentation, or it can be an actual interaction that is part of your simulation.

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Captivate and SumTotal 6.5: Part 1. Setup

I’m involved in producing some Captivate-based assessments for use with SumTotal 6.5. There are many settings and variables that must be set correctly to get everything working to our specifications, so it took some serious testing to figure out the best settings.

Hopefully this will shorten the time for anyone with similar needs.

The requirements: We are producing competency-based learning modules and assessments. Users must complete the multi-SCO assessment with a score of 100%. They aren’t that easy, so it is expected that they will need several if not many tries to complete one SCO. Each interaction within any given SCO will allow three tries before the slide moves on.
Each SCO will allow an infinite number of tries.

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SCORM in 5 minutes or less, with pictures!

Disclaimer: This is intended only to provide only the most basic understanding of what SCORM is.

SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is a world-wide standard set of specifications for communication between elearning content and learning management systems.

A learning module using SCORM version 1.2 can communicate the following:

  • the instruction to launch an elearning module and start communicating.
  • scoring and tracking information – student data, timing, lesson status, scores, interactions, “pass/fail”
  • proprietary information that only the module understands. The Learning Management System (LMS) stores and retrieves such data without understanding it.
  • bookmarking information
  • the instruction to close communication.

Additionally, a manifest packaged with the module tells the LMS (Learning Management System)

  • what, if any, modules come next.
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Magoo, the world’s smartest goldfish

Magoo inspecting us
Magoo inspecting the camera.

One of the first fish we ever bought was "Magoo," a little black moor goldfish with big eyes, and loads of personality. We didn’t realize it when we got him, but Magoo was an innovator. Like the famous potato-washing Japanese macaque monkeys, Magoo would invent new behaviors, and teach them to others in the tank.

One characteristic of goldfish as a species is their non-linear thinking. If you ever watch a goldfish try to attain an objective, for instance swimming across the tank to get some food, it may sometimes appear as if the goldfish will forget the goal, then remember, then forget, then remember again, all the way to the other side. They are much more interested in the journey than the goal. In this, Goldfish are the opposite of cichlids, who singlemindedly focus on their agendas better than most people. However this non-linear mental state should not be mistaken for stupidity. Several of our goldfish have been remarkably intelligent. However our orange fantail, Piggum, is not one of them!

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Make any web-based Powerpoint presentation scorm compatible

It’s easy to export Powerpoint presentations to the web, but they aren’t automatically scorm compatible. To add simple scorm capability to your web-export, do the following:

This will add a button that will allow the user to mark the sco complete.

1. Add this to the head section of outline.htm or the final slide.

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