New! SCORM-ready Learning Module template 2014 version


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Our custom-developed  HTML SCORM Learning Module template has received a major facelift. It now adapts to most device widths smoothly. It uses no frames or Server Side Includes, loads content faster, and is compatible with all modern browsers, from IE8 on up.

It will handle nearly all the legacy content from modules built with the old frame-based version. The only major feature that hasn’t yet been brought over is the “versions” feature which allowed multiple versions to be created from one set of pages.

It accommodates any combination of  Questionmark, Qualtrics Captivate or Javascript quizzes, and could easily be adapted to other types of interactive content.

Click here to view a demo.

Get the files on GitHub

The tutorial will be posted soon, but the basic steps are very much like the old one.