Fixing the Sets interface of Flickr Uploadr desktop app

I upload a lot of images to Flickr – sometimes hundreds at a time. So I’ve tried nearly every uploading tool available. The one that works most reliably, even when uploading hundreds of images in simultaneous batches is the Flickr Uploadr. The application has always had one flaw though. The Add to sets selection box  is way too small for scrolling through a long list of photo sets.

The Add to sets box, shown in green, displays only 6 of my 2000 sets. That was hard enough back in the days when there were arrows on the scrollbars that allowed nudging up and down the list, but in later versions of OSX, scrollbar arrows are no more, and it is much harder to move up or down in small increments. 




Thankfully, it is pretty easy to do a quick fix. To make the Add to sets box taller, you have to do a little surgery on the UI of the app. Just right click the application icon and select Show Package Contents.



Find the file Contents > Resources >chrome >upladr.jar.

Instructions if you have BBEdit:

If you have BBEdit, you can just control-click the file uploadr.jar,  select Open File in BBEdit, which will let you edit the files in place.


Using the file list pane on the left in BBEdit, you can simply navigate to the file uploadr.jar > skin > upload >main.css and click on it to edit it. On line 592, change the height of #meta ul, #batch_meta ul, #no_meta ul to 210px (or more if you prefer).


 Then, Save the file, quit BBedit and launch the Flickr Uploadr app.

Instructions if you don’t have BBEdit:

If you don’t have BBEdit drag a copy of the uploadr.jar file to the desktop. Rename it to, and unzip it. Inside the unzipped uploader folder, find
skin > upload > main.css

Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 6.17.01 PM


Edit the file main.css. On line 592, change the height of #meta ul, #batch_meta ul, #no_meta ul to 210px (or more if you prefer).

  Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 6.34.28 PM


Save the file, re-zip the folder and rename it to uploadr.jar. Back in the original “chrome” folder that you copied the jar from, replace the old uploadr.jar with the new one.

 Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 6.29.31 PM


Launch the Flickr Uploadr app. The Sets window will be much taller.

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