Category: Mac OS X

Safari Error: “The website requires a client certificate”

While experimenting with LDAP connections in Safari, errors like this one started popping up:

“The website _____ requires a client certificate”

A dialog would open, listing some old MobileMe certificates. Apparently if any old, expired or corrupt MobileMe certificates are still lodged in the Keychain, you may get this error sometimes. MobileMe has been disabled and signed out on my Mac for years, but the fact that the certs were still there caused the problem.

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Update on exporting highlights from your Kindle

There have been a few interface updates to Amazon’s Kindle page since I last wrote about it, but there remains a strange lack of comprehension on the part of Amazon, that people might actually want to use their highlights. There is still no obvious way to export the data.

For those with Macs, I’ve come up with a workaround, and perhaps there is something similar on the PC side.

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A few rough spots in iCloud

iCloud looks great on paper, but the effects of choices you must make to enable it are not obvious, so, as a busy person with more than enough troubleshooting to do, I am shutting it off for now.

No replacement for iDisk yet.

I’m probably one of the few people that use iDisk, but I do use it. I store my Papers library on it, and a variety of assets I use at work and at home. It was a great little server, without any hassle. According to this technote, I have to save my files and get ready for it to disappear.

I never used the iWeb or MobileMe Gallery features, but it looks like all of that is disappearing also. iCloud is neither a hosting service, nor an unstructured file-server. Documents can be stored by apps, but probably not dragged there by you, as far as I can tell.

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