WordPress HTTP 500.0 Internal Server Error: File monitoring is enabled for a file which could not be found

After using Windows Platform Installer to install WordPress you may get the error shown below:

HTTP Error 500.0 – Internal Server Error

File monitoring is enabled for a file which could not be found

(note that you may have to log onto the server to see the complete error, depending on your IIS settings.)

Screen shot 2013-07-19 at 5.26.31 PM.jpg

This happened to me after I had removed PHP v. 5.3, since I was no longer using it, and had removed it because of security concerns.

Web Platform Installer adds two handlers:

PHP 53_via_FastCGI


The first handler points to a PHP 5.3 directory which no longer exists.

To fix :

  • Open IIS Manager and select the site with the issue.
  • Click on Handler Mappings.
  • Find the mapping for the version of PHP that doesn’t exist on your system and delete it.
