Speed control widgets for Captivate

These 2 widgets allow your users to alter the speed (in frames per second) of the Captivate presentation they are viewing. To use them, go to the first slide you want the widget to appear on, select Insert: Animation and set the animation Options:Timing to Display for rest of project, and No transition. When you publish, make sure to copy the animation .swf file to the folder containing your published files, since Captivate will not do this for you.


The first one is a slider which goes from 0-130 fps. Download file

The second is a set of buttons which increment and decrement the speed in units of ten fps, down to zero, with no ceiling. Download file

The slider is based on
Slider bar smart clip by Patrick Mineault”

Both files contain frames-per-second indicators, but you can hide them. Both widgets can be reskinned: I have included the source flash files in the zip archives.