Category: Web Building

2 Caption Templates for MS Producer

If you purchase the MS Producer resource disk available here HERE you will find it contains an example of a Captioned Video template, along with this white paper captioning in Producer (MS Word format)

I found the one captioning template on the CD (captioned video with fixed-size slides) was a good beginning but quickly realized I needed several others. I made two more, which can be downloaded below. To use these templates, unzip them, and put the entire folders into the Producer templates directory on your C drive.
Within Producer, they will show up within the Templates area as:

“Standard Captioned Audio – Resizable Slides” Download Zip File (36K)
and “Standard Captioned Video (320×240) – Resizable Slides” Download Zip File (36K))

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CSS Border-top does not show in empty cells

In IE, borders created by styling a table cell with “border-top” attribute do not show up when used on a td tag, unless there is some content inside the cell, at least a non-breaking space. This is not the case in other browsers – the border will show up even when the cell is blank.

In the example below, there is a single table, with three columns and three rows, but only the first 2 rows contain anything. The last row is completely empty. The tag “td” has been styled with

border-top-width: 2px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-top-color: #003399;

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When MovableType won’t recognize ImageMagick

Recently my web-host restored the server I use after some problems which necessitated wiping it and starting from scratch. After doing this my installation of MovableType was no longer able to create thumbnails. The thumbnail option no longer appeared in the upload dialog. When I looked at the config file, all the thumbnail options were commented out – in other words it was defaulting to use ImageMagick.

If you read the verbiage in that file carefully, which I did not, it says:

Specifies the image toolkit used to create thumbnails from uploaded images.
# By default, the ImageMagick library and Image::Magick Perl module are used;
# if your system does not have these, you can use the NetPBM tools instead
# (assuming that your system has these tools installed). Possible values for
# this setting are "ImageMagick" or "NetPBM".
# ImageDriver NetPBM

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A Trivia Game built with Questionmark Perception Part I

I. JCAHO Trivia – Background, objectives, and game play

(click to enlarge image)

In June, as a small part of a larger hospital staff training project, I built an educational online game for the nursing department. There were several requirements that helped determine the shape of the final result.

Synchronous game play vs. Asynchronous: When considering what kind of game might be best for our purposes, we first considered one based on Jeopardy, since that format is so popular.

However, Jeopardy is not an asynchronous system. In other words, each Jeopardy round is a timed competition against several other players, all of whom must be playing simultaneously or “synchronously” as the elearning people call it.

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How to NOT display Titles on Static Pages in Drupal

This is basically a way to style elements according to what kind of node they are in. So a title in a book page will look different than a title in a story.

This is based on some code written by Erik Hopp as shown in This thread
The idea is, we want each element to have a style assigned to it that not only makes a distinction between the ELEMENT type but the NODE type the element is in. So for example, instead of a title being styled only as

   <h1 class="title">This is the Title of a Static Page</h1>

we want the class name to specify that this title is within a “particular” type of node.

        <h1 class="title-page">This is the Title of a Static Page</h1>
         <h1 class="title-story">This is the Title of a Story</h1>
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Passing a variable to any page by clicking a link

I am working on a game which requires people to log in by selecting whichever team they are on. Each team is made up of several departmental units.

People probably won’t know what team they belong to the first time they play. There is no list of all the potential players, so it isn’t possible to automatically associate users with teams.

So we constructed an entry page which lists all the departments and which teams they belong to. People find their department, and are automatically associated with a team.

It required creating a little script to pass the name of the team along to the game login page.

Presumably people WILL know what department they are in, and will be able to select their team in that manner.

The problem was, the team name has to be passed to Questionmark Perception’s login page, since it requires the team name to send whatever points are earned to the appropriate team.

I used the following javascript to set a hidden field “GROUP” on Questionmark’s login page, when a player clicks the team link on the Entry page.

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