Category: Web Building

A couple of ways to post code in MoveableType

Thanks to the helpful folks on the MoveableType support forum I now have a couple of ways to post code in my entries.
NOTE: because my new multi-column layout creates issues with form fields in Safari, I’ve also included links to download the code.

1. Install Brad Choates macro plugin, and use it to escape the HTML. Insert this into your templates:

CODE (or download it here)

<MTMacroDefine pattern="m/[code](.+?)[/code]/si">

<pre><MTMacroMatch position="1" encode_html="1"></pre>


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OSX and .htaccess files

The other day, I was trying to install some script – and needed to edit an .htaccess file that was supposed to be inside the archive. I couldn’t find it – because it was invisible! I forgot that OSX is Unix based.

Here are some instructions to make those files visible on the local side, and still be able to test your site in local mode. (many thanks to Didier Laget for this tip!)

  • Open your httpd.conf file.
  • Look for the following expression : AccessFileName .htaccess
  • Remove the dot left of htaccess.
  • Save the file.
  • Restart the webserver.

Now you can edit htaccess, it will work, and it will NOT be invisible!

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Use php to display a list of Moveable Type articles on any webpage.

I liked the page design of my php-based home page, and didn’t want to roll it into Moveable type. But I wanted a list of articles to appear, and update automatically as I add entries. Taking a cue from this tip on the Moveable Type support forum:
Show related content from a blog on another’s page“,
in my blog, I created a New Archive Template on the template screen named “Category Links” with this in it:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="MT2blog/styles.css" type="text/css" />
<div class="categoryLinks">
<MTArchiveList archive_type="Category">
<$MTArchiveTitle$><br />
<a href="<$MTEntryPermalink$>"><$MTEntryTitle$></a><br />

In the Weblog Config under Archiving, I checked Category and selected Category Archive (this lists all the entries by category).
In the Archive Filename line next to this new line, I added:




This will be the name of the file generated by this archiving method – “allcategory_links.html”.
On my home page, I added this “include” to pick up that generated page:

if (file_exists($filename)) { include($filename);}?>

Or download code here

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