Category: Applications

A few rough spots in iCloud

iCloud looks great on paper, but the effects of choices you must make to enable it are not obvious, so, as a busy person with more than enough troubleshooting to do, I am shutting it off for now.

No replacement for iDisk yet.

I’m probably one of the few people that use iDisk, but I do use it. I store my Papers library on it, and a variety of assets I use at work and at home. It was a great little server, without any hassle. According to this technote, I have to save my files and get ready for it to disappear.

I never used the iWeb or MobileMe Gallery features, but it looks like all of that is disappearing also. iCloud is neither a hosting service, nor an unstructured file-server. Documents can be stored by apps, but probably not dragged there by you, as far as I can tell.

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Thread: Changing maxAllowedContentLength

In a .NET application used to deliver quizzes, attempting to import a large quiz from another server resulted in this error:

“The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that exceeds the request content length.” A second message stated:
“Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request because the content length exceeds the configured value.”

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Adobe Captivate

Captivate: Change background images on imported Powerpoint slides to repositionable Captivate images

Captivate allows you to import a Powerpoint file to use as the starting point for your learning activity. It’s often easier for people to “think” in Powerpoint, so many users prefer to rough out a project in Powerpoint, then import it and continue working in Captivate.

When a Powerpoint file is imported this way, its images become part of the Background element of the slide in Captivate. Backgrounds are not easily repositionable, or croppable, but it’s not hard to bring the background image up onto the slide as a regular image element that can be moved around, edited, and included in actions.

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Safari error: Web pages are not responding.

Since the last update of Safari, I’ve been seeing way too much of this error:

"Webpages are not responding. To visit the selected webpage, all webpages in other tabs and windows must be force reloaded. Do you want to visit this page?"

Once this error shows up, usually several windows will start reloading on their own. The error seems to happen only when I have a lot of tabs and windows open in Safari, but since I almost always do, it’s hard to pin that down as a contributing cause.

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Prevent float drop in IE

Internet Explorer’s propensity to drop floated elements adds time to site development, and sometimes causes a page to appear blank if the floated content drops below the window “fold”. Ignoring the problem and designing only for standards-adhering browsers is not always possible, particularly in enterprise environments where IE (and not always the latest version) is the only officially supported standard. Of course, other browsers are being used as well.

I’ve finally came across a fix that appears to work well cross-platform, thanks to Thierry Koblentz in the YUIblog.

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