Author: ellen

Drupal admin: Changing the default Open or Collapsed state of filters and fieldsets in Node editing screens

As you add modules to Drupal, the “Edit” screen of each node can start piling up a lot of optional filters and settings that you can apply to the node. These include comment settings, input filters, image pickers and browsers, authoring settings, etc. The general term for all these added features on the node edit screen is “fieldsets.”

Most of them are collapsed when you first open the screen, which makes it easy to scroll down to the “submit” button or the lower fieldsets. However some modules set themselves to be open by default. This can be a problem if you have to edit a lot of nodes – it causes a lot of extra scrolling and is visually confusing.

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Maximizing the Captivate window automatically

We found that some of our users did not know how to maximize windows (or even that it was possible!), and so never saw the navigation bar and buttons on the bottom of a Captivate-based course they had to take.

The customer who designed the course asked that we add instructions on maximizing the window, but I thought that it would make more sense just to make the window maximize itself.

It’s been a while since I used window sizing functions, so I went hunting for a script that works across all browsers.

After trying several, I found that some “auto-maximize window” scripts don’t even work every time on ANY browser. The one that worked best on every browser I tested it on is available free from Dynamic Drive, here.

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Mail error: “The server response was: From: address not verified;”

I have about 5 email accounts, and use to manage them. Recently I started seeing this obnoxious and cryptic message when trying to send from anything but my account.

The server response was: From: address not verified; see

Use the pop-up menu below to try a different outgoing mail server. All messages will use this server until you quit Mail or change your network settings

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“Certificate couldn’t be read” errors in

Corporate mail servers often used SSL certificates, and sometimes these certificates expire. At that point you may start getting “Certificate couldn’t be read” errors in Apple’s

According to Apple, permanently accepting a self-signed SSL certificate may fix the problem.

  1. Click the Show Certificate button in the error message.
  2. Hold down the option key and drag the certificate icon out of the error window to your desktop.
  3. Double-click the certificate icon on the desktop, and choose X.509 Anchors from the pop-up menu. Click Add. You must have permission to administer the computer for this procedure to work.
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Captivate 3 Quizzes marking “failed” when quiz is not completed

We use Captivate 3 quizzes sometimes with our Docent 6.5 LMS. Usually the quizzes have multiple parts or “SCOs” but occasionally we build one that has only one part.

Sometimes people launch a quiz but need to quit before they are done taking it, and in such cases we would prefer it be marked “incomplete” and allow them another chance to take the quiz. Usually we would also prefer any failed quiz to be allowed to be retaken.

But, by default, Captivate sees any failure to reach the mastery score as completions.

There is an easy fix,
suggested by Franck Buland on the Adobe Captivate forums

– simply modify the [project].htm file at lines 95, 96, 97.

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