Using the Nord Electro updater and Nord Electro Tool
The new piano sounds available for the Nord Electro B3 clone keyboard only work with Nord operating system v. 3.0 or greater. So you may find that even if you haven’t updated before, you will want to do so now.
The updater is pretty easy to use: simply download it from Update Nord Electro OS v3.00 (OS X) or
Update Nord Electro OS v3.00 (Windows)
You will need a midi interface, the Nord, and your computer. You may also need drivers for the midi interface, possibly even if you are using a Mac.
Connect the Nord midi Out and midi In to the midi interface, and the USB cable of the interface to your computer.
Nord’s instructions for using the updater are at
The Nord Electro Tool allows you to load and rearrange piano samples on the keyboard. A small but tricky point is: this tool works THROUGH USB, NOT MIDI. You do NOT use the midi interface for this process. The Nord has a USB jack, which allows you to connect it directly to the computer. If you are using a PC, you will probably need the Nord USB drivers, available Here to enable the computer to recognize the Nord. If you are using a Mac, you won’t need it. So, if you are trying to use a midi interface to load piano samples into your Nord, and are getting the error “Unable to detect Nord Electro. Check USB connections and try again,” simply connect the Nord USB to the computer’s USB, and it will probably work.
cant fine a usb driver 4 my mac to download fr the sounds library. updated my nord to a 3.04, lost all of my sounds’ only have organ can anyone help!!!