Tag: windows media

How to get captions to play in embedded Windows Media Player

Creating SAMI files for Windows Media Player is now quite easy, using Subtitle Workshop, but I had a lot of trouble getting captions to play correctly. They would play just fine locally on my hard drive, but once I put them on a webserver, they wouldn’t play at all.

That made me think it was a path problem, but finding the exact solution was tough.

Here’s my canned solution for embedding a windows media player in a web page, adapted from Microsoft’s instructions which do not seem to work for me.
The example shown here is for a Windows2K web server, with the video being streamed off a windows media streaming server.

I started with instructions from this page.

I tried using their clever little selector which lets you change styles and languages, but got a lot of javascript errors, although it mostly worked. I gave up on it after a while, and simplified things. You need 4 files:

  • index.html – the html file that people will use to view the embedded movie
  • movie.wmv – the windows media file
  • movie.smi – the caption file
  • movie.asx – the file that refers to the windows media file with a path
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