A Trivia Game built with Questionmark Perception Part I
I. JCAHO Trivia – Background, objectives, and game play
Jump to Part II – Construction of Choose-A-Team and Login Pages.=>
Jump to Part III – Building the Game.=>
Jump to Part III – Building the Game.=>

(click to enlarge image)
In June, as a small part of a larger hospital staff training project, I built an educational online game for the nursing department. There were several requirements that helped determine the shape of the final result.
Synchronous game play vs. Asynchronous: When considering what kind of game might be best for our purposes, we first considered one based on Jeopardy, since that format is so popular.
However, Jeopardy is not an asynchronous system. In other words, each Jeopardy round is a timed competition against several other players, all of whom must be playing simultaneously or “synchronously” as the elearning people call it.
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