SCORM in 5 minutes or less, with pictures!
Disclaimer: This is intended only to provide only the most basic understanding of what SCORM is.
SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is a world-wide standard set of specifications for communication between elearning content and learning management systems.
A learning module using SCORM version 1.2 can communicate the following:
- the instruction to launch an elearning module and start communicating.
- scoring and tracking information – student data, timing, lesson status, scores, interactions, “pass/fail”
- proprietary information that only the module understands. The Learning Management System (LMS) stores and retrieves such data without understanding it.
- bookmarking information
- the instruction to close communication.
Additionally, a manifest packaged with the module tells the LMS (Learning Management System)
- what, if any, modules come next.