Tag: questionmark perception ASCII import quizzes MS Word

Importing Quizzes directly into Questionmark Perception using list styles

Since we have no Questionmark Perception manuals at my office, most of my knowledge of Questionmark comes from trying out things in the application itself or digging around in the questionably organized Questionmark support site. (Any altruistic Info-Architects need a project?)

While so engaged one day, looking for an answer to something else, I found out I could have been importing multiple choice quizzes using Microsoft Word documents! Fortunately I haven’t done too many so far. Here are the directions:

The document must be formatted as a list.

Each question is a level 1 line, each choice is a level 2 (indent once). There should be no excess copy in the document, just

1. Question
a. choice 1
b. choice 2
c. choice 3
d. choice 4

2. Question
a. choice 1
b. choice 2
c. choice 3
d. choice 4


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