Tag: jw player flv longtail video flash red5 bug buffering

Infinite JW FLV players on a page, with error catching for Red5 bug

NOTE: this has been revised to make it more flexible, and allow multiple streamers and multiple video types, using the same code.

This is a script that allows you to add as many JW FLV players to a page as you want, using a single block of code. The players all have separate event listeners to keep them from interfering with each other. Events or actions executed in one player do not affect others.

This particular demo also corrects for a problem we have noticed recently with Red5, where RTMP streams will hang with a “BUFFER.EMPTY” status code. I’ve set up meta-monitoring so that it catches “BUFFER.EMPTY” codes and starts the player up again a little bit previous to the break. It creates player names and function names dynamically, based on how many players you request. If this function seems to be giving you problems, if your videos start jumping back and restarting a lot, search for the following line and comment it out by adding “//” in front of it:

window["player_"+obj.id].sendEvent('SEEK', parseInt(window["positionarray_"+obj.id][3])+100);

We’ve also had problems with some videos that simply refuse to stream, although they will play using progressive download. You can use a mixture of streaming and non-streaming by altering the playlist for each video.

Screen shot 2009-10-30 at 5.44.32 PM.jpg

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JW FLV Player and Red5 apparent buffering bug

Update 12-18-09: Longtailvideo has apparently resolved this bug with its player v.4.7beta. At this time v. 5 does NOT have the fix in it. The code changes that fixed the bug can be seen here: [Changes to RTMPModel.as]

A few months ago, we installed Red5 0.7.0 on a Windows server to stream Flash video inside the firewall. This server is used mainly to stream short clips that are embedded in learning modules.

The JW FLV player v. 4.6 is included in the learning module template and enables us to display the videos with a high degree of flexibility.

Picture 41.jpeg

Example of a player that contains multiple short video clips.
The player generates a navigation listing on the right from the XML playlist.

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