Tag: gallery

Dealing with comment spam on Gallery 2

Finally! I found a query that effectively deletes the comment spam from the Gallery 2 database. These can be run through phpMyAdmin, but my next task is to turn this into a php script that can be run as a cron job.

To delete comments posted by an IP, or a few IPs, run this SQL statement:

delete ce, e, co from g2_ChildEntity ce, g2_Entity e, g2_Comment co where ce.g_id=e.g_id and e.g_id=co.g_id and e.g_entityType='GalleryComment' and (co.g_host='' or co.g_host='')

To delete comments based on the comment itself, run this SQL statement:

delete ce, e, co from g2_ChildEntity ce, g2_Entity e, g2_Comment co where ce.g_id=e.g_id and e.g_id=co.g_id and e.g_entityType='GalleryComment' and (co.g_comment like '%[url=http://%')
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