Tag: drupal

Drupal module Feed Aggregator escapes HTML tags in feeds

Drupal’s Feed aggregator has a problem displaying some of the escaped tags in Google Alerts Feeds. For example, see the screenshot below:

Picture 31.jpeg

The fix is to alter the code in

Search for

 function aggregator_save_item($edit)

In both the UPDATE statement and the INSERT statement:

replace $edit['title']


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Drupal: Take back control of a folder from Drupal and password protecting it


By default, Drupal takes control of all subdirectories within its root folder. If Drupal resides within the web root of your site, you will not be able to get to any subdirectories that are non-Drupal related. Drupal will give a “Page Not Found” error on any page that doesn’t have Drupal content associated with it.

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Getting the WYSIWYG module to work in Drupal 6

I had a lot of trouble getting TinyMCE text editor to work consistently in Drupal 5.9, so when I installed Drupal 6 and was scanning through the available modules, I was very glad to see that the WYSIWYG editor module could function as a replacement.


Although the easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor is popular with our site’s users, sometimes I find it gets in the way, and want to turn it off.

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Drupal multisite – symlinking, a key step

Setting up a multisite system is very easy with Drupal and is well documented both in the settings.php file and in the multi-site section of the handbook on Drupal.org. However there is one step that is usually left out of the instructions or mentioned only in passing, and it requires SSH access. You must create a symlink from the folders your multi-sites will be accessed at to the actual folder that the Drupal core files reside in.

So if you will have several sites like:

(the core files are located here)
and you want a second and third site to be accessed at


then you must create symlinks from site2 and site3 that point to site1.

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Drupal admin: Changing the default Open or Collapsed state of filters and fieldsets in Node editing screens

As you add modules to Drupal, the “Edit” screen of each node can start piling up a lot of optional filters and settings that you can apply to the node. These include comment settings, input filters, image pickers and browsers, authoring settings, etc. The general term for all these added features on the node edit screen is “fieldsets.”

Most of them are collapsed when you first open the screen, which makes it easy to scroll down to the “submit” button or the lower fieldsets. However some modules set themselves to be open by default. This can be a problem if you have to edit a lot of nodes – it causes a lot of extra scrolling and is visually confusing.

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