Implementing search using indexing services and asp
I wanted to add a search function to the learning modules housed in our learning management system. These modules are of several types, most are HTML/javascript-based modules, but there are also flash, pdf, and MS producer ones as well. Many of them are meant to be viewed while under SCORM control, so it is important that the search feature not interfere with SCORM communication by allowing the user to navigating away from the current module or by removing the surrounding frameset.
When under SCORM control, the script must be able to detect which module is current, and search only within that directory. When not under SCORM control, the user can have the option of searching all content on the server.
It is also important to be able to hold obsolete or private items out of the search.
I used this excellent article by Chris Maunder as a basis for the project:
Creating the catalog
When I first set up indexing, I assumed the best way to set up the catalog was to make a catalog that would search only the items I wanted searched, as detailed in the article. So besides the 2 standard catalogs that indexing services creates, “System” and “Web”, I created a new one. Unfortunately I found that I had better luck simply using the “web” catalog and restricting my query to find what I needed. I am still not sure what I did wrong, but I could never get the new catalog to function properly.
Setting up the query
I wanted to exclude any javascript, css or includes files from the search. Also, Dreamweaver generates “notes” folders which had to be excluded, and we use folders called “z_old” to contain backups of obsolete versions of modules. (the “z” is to keep them at the bottom in alphabetical listings) . The search also had to be limited to files with the extensions .htm, .html, .doc, .pdf, or .swf.
Based on these requirements our query reads:
strQuery = "((NOT #vpath *_notes*) AND (NOT #vpath *js*) AND (NOT #vpath *css*) AND " &_
"(NOT #vpath *z_old*) AND (NOT #vpath *includes*) AND (NOT #vpath *prototypes*))" &_
" AND ((#filename *.htm) OR (#filename *.swf) OR (#filename *.html) OR (#filename *doc))" &_
" AND (" & target & ")"
Search for a complete phrase
To change the above query to find only the entire phrase, change the last line of the query from
" AND (" & target & ")"
" AND (@contents " & target & ")"
Restricting the search to the current module’s folder
The function “util.AddScopeToQuery” will limit the results to items found within whatever scope you define. So I wrote a little function to look at the current URL of the learning module and split off the last directory, and add that to a common path.
Since I want only the files within This will work as long as the modules are at the same depth, which they are in our case.
dim str0, folderarray, lastone, thisfolder str0 = request.ServerVariables("url") folderarray=Split(str0, "/") lastone = UBound(folderarray)-2 thisfolder = folderarray(lastone)
Using a virtual directory
The biggest challenge was the fact that our learning modules are on a server which is accessed solely through a virtual directory on the learning management server. In other words, if the LMS server domain is:, the learning modules are accessed by “,” even though they are actually on another server, and in another domain.
It turns out that in this configuration, the catalog and indexing services must reside on the main server with the domain, not the server whose domain is being masked by use of the virtual directory. So I turned on indexing services on the learning management server. Conveniently, when you create a virtual directory on IIS, it automatically adds that directory’s content to the indexing services Web catalog.
The AddScopeToQuery path needed to be set up using the virtual directory path to the content, not the actual filesystem path.
util.AddScopeToQuery ixQuery, Server.MapPath("/content/modules/"& thisfolder), "deep"
“thisfolder” is the variable created with the string functions shown above.
Document titles suddenly increase in importance
We have not been very careful about titling each and every HTML page, but it is now worth it to go back and do that for all of our modules. It makes a huge difference in the usability of the results.
The final script is shown below, and is included in each module.
<% option explicit
' Search scripts
'Modified from a script written by ' C Maunder (
%><html><head><title>Search This Learning Module</title>
body, td {
font:normal 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
}a.resultTitle:link, a.resultTitle a.resultTitle:visited {font:16px;color:blue;}
'// Initialisation' Declare variables.
'Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
dim target, firstRow, rowCount
' Get the request parameters.
target = Request("target")' The search request
firstRow = Request("fr")' First row of results to display
rowCount = Request("rc")' Record Count - number of rows to show
' Set default values if none found
if firstRow = "" or not IsNumeric(firstRow) Then
firstRow = 1
firstRow = CInt(firstRow)
End If
if rowCount = "" or not IsNumeric(rowCount) Then
rowCount = 50
rowCount = CInt(rowCount)
End IfDim ScriptName, ServerName
ScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
ServerName = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")' Construct base URL for navigation buttons
dim URL
URL = ScriptName & "?target=" & Server.URLEncode(target)
URL = URL & "&rc=" & Server.URLEncode(rowCount)'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'// The search form%>
<form name="searchForm" action="<%=ScriptName%>" onsubmit="javascript:window.resizeTo(800,600);">
<b>Search this learning module:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="target" SIZE="45" MAXLENGTH="100" VALUE="<%=target%>">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" Search ">
</form><hr size=2 noshade><br>
dim str0, str1, str2, str3, str4, folderarray, lastone, thisfolder
str0 = request.ServerVariables("url")
folderarray=Split(str0, "/")
lastone = UBound(folderarray)-2
thisfolder = folderarray(lastone)
DoSearch target'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'// Perform the searchsub DoSearch(target)
on error resume next
if target <> "" thendim strQuery
strQuery = "((NOT #vpath *_notes*) AND (NOT #vpath *js*) AND (NOT #vpath *css*) AND " &_
"(NOT #vpath *z_old*) AND (NOT #vpath *includes*) AND (NOT #vpath *prototypes*))" &_
" AND ((#filename *.htm) OR (#filename *.swf) OR (#filename *.html) OR (#filename *doc))" &_
" AND (" & target & ")"
dim strQuerytest
' Create the Index Server query object, setting the columns, the sort to
' descending, the max records to 300, and the query string to the given
' target. Note that the query string specifies, with NOT and the
' #vpath operators, that any files in the *_vti path, should be excluded.
' (_vti* directories contain FrontPage Extension files, and we don't want
' users browsing them.)
dim ixQuery ' Index Server query object.
set ixQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
if (Err.description <> "") Then
Response.Write ("<p><b>Query object Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
Exit sub
end if
ixQuery.Columns = "doctitle, path, vpath, filename, size, write, characterization, rank"
ixQuery.SortBy = "rank[d], doctitle"
ixQuery.MaxRecords = 300
ixQuery.Query = strQueryLocal
ixQuery.Catalog = "Web" ' Specify you catalog here if it's not the default' Create a search utility object to allow us to specify the search type as 'deep',
' meaning it will search recursively down through the directories
dim util
set util = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Util")
util.AddScopeToQuery ixQuery, Server.MapPath("/content/modules/"& thisfolder), "deep"
if (Err.description <> "") Then
Response.Write ("<p><b>Search Utility Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
Exit sub
end if
' Run the query (i.e. create the recordset).
dim queryRS ' Query recordset.
set queryRS = ixQuery.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")' Check the query result. If it timed out or return no records, then show
' an appropriate message. Otherwise, show the hits.
if (Err.description <> "") Then
Response.Write ("<p><b>Search Recordset Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
Exit sub
if queryRS is Nothing Then
Response.Write ("<p>Query returned no matches.</p>" & vbCRLF)
elseif (ixQuery.QueryTimedOut) then
Response.Write ("<p><b>Error: " & timedOut_Text & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
elseif (queryRS.EOF or queryRS.BOF or queryRS.RecordCount <= 0) then
Response.Write ("<p>No matches found.</p>" & vbCRLF)
queryRS.PageSize = rowCount
call showHits(queryRS)
if (Err.number <> 0) Then
Response.Write ("<p><b>Record Display Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
End If
end if
End If
' Clean up
set queryRS = nothing
set ixQuery = nothing
set util = nothing
End if
end Sub' showHits(): Displays the query hits from the query recordset.
sub showHits(queryRS)
dim recordNumber ' record number
dim docTitle ' document title
dim endRow ' last row being displayed
dim prevRow ' row to display for "prev" option
dim nextRow ' row to display for "next" option
dim lastRow ' row to display for "last" option
dim remainder ' remainder (used to determine if last page is short)
dim recordCount ' numner of records returned
recordCount = queryRS.RecordCount
if firstRow > recordCount Then firstRow = 1
endRow = firstRow + RowCount-1 ' Last row on page to show
if endRow > recordCount Then endRow = recordCount
prevRow = firstRow - RowCount ' Start of previous page's rows
if PrevRow < 1 Then PrevRow = 1
nextRow = endRow + 1 ' Start of next pages rows. May be > CommentCount
remainder = recordCount mod RowCount
if remainder = 0 Then
lastRow = recordCount - RowCount + 1
lastRow = recordCount - remainder + 1
End If
if lastRow < 1 Then lastRow = 1 ' Start of last pages rows' Go to the top of the record set, then move forward to the record that
' corresponds to the first row.
queryRS.MoveFirst()if (firstRow > 1) then
queryRS.Move(CInt(firstRow) - 1)
end if' Show the summary info.: # of records found and range showing.
<table border=0>
<tr><td colspan=2><table border=0 width=100%><tr>
<td nowrap><b>Found:</b> <%=queryRS.RecordCount%> <b>Showing:</b> <%=firstRow%> - <%=endRow%></td>
<td align=right nowrap>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr=1"%>">First</a> |
<% Else %>
First |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&prevRow%>">Prev</a> |
<% Else %>
Prev |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&nextRow%>">Next</a> |
<% Else %>
Next |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&lastRow%>">Last</a>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
</table></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>
' Show the records.recordNumber = firstRow
do while ((not queryRS.EOF) and (recordNumber <= endRow))
' Get the document title. If it's blank, set it to "Untitled".
docTitle = queryRS("doctitle")if docTitle = "" then docTitle = "Untitled"
' Show the record #, link to the document, URL, and characterization.
Response.Write "<tr >"
Response.Write "<td valign=top style='border-top:1px solid #CCC;padding:6px;'>" & recordNumber & ".</td>"
Response.Write "<td valign=top style='border-top:1px solid #CCC;padding-bottom:12px;'>"
Response.Write "<a href='" & queryRS("vpath") & "' target='myStage' class='resultTitle'>" & ">" & docTitle &"</a><br>"
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(queryRS("characterization"))
Response.Write "<p><span style='font:9px Courier, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><b>URL: </b> <a href='" & queryRS("vpath") & "' target='myStage'>http://" & ServerName & queryRS("vpath") & "</a></span></p>"
Response.Write "</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"recordNumber = recordNumber + 1
loop' Display the navigation links.
<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr=1"%>">First</a> |
<% Else %>
First |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&prevRow%>">Prev</a> |
<% Else %>
Prev |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&nextRow%>">Next</a> |
<% Else %>
Next |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&lastRow%>">Last</a>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<% end sub %>