Category: Technology

iPhone “No Service” message

NOTE: I’ve recently posted a better summary of how to troubleshoot this problem, with more fixes, and links to more information. I recommend you take a look at it before getting started: [“No Service” message on iPhone, part 2]

My iPhone started displaying a “No Service” message a few days ago. When it didn’t go away, I called the ATT Wireless people. Here are the easy steps to cure the problem:

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When colspan property doesn’t appear to work in Firefox or Safari

When building web applications I often use display styles to show or hide divs or table rows as needed. On one project, I found that the “colspan” property did not seem to work in Firefox or Safari. This was because I had incorrectly used display:block to style the TR element, instead of display:table-row. A demo is below, and the code follows.

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iPhone review

I’ve been using a Blackberry 8700c through Cingular for a couple of years now, and I really like being able to check all my email accounts on it and using the google apps wherever I happen to be. Typing on it is pretty easy. However there were many reasons I was looking for a replacement.


  1. Email is merely forwarded, so you aren’t dealing with the actual imap server you use when at home or work. So junk mail rules aren’t followed, any deletions or drafts are not seen by your other mail clients, etc. You used to be able to set up filters on the blackberry web client, but they removed that feature last year.
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