Category: Safari

Safari Slowdowns

After upgrading to 10.4.7 I started noticing frequent slowdowns in Safari. The “Spinning Rainbow Cursor of Death” was becoming a constant occurence.

There are plenty of recommendations about how to fix this common issue.

  • Delete the contents of the icons folder in ~/Library/Safari
  • replace the syndication agent at

    with a copy from a Mac OS X system that does not have problems (subscription required)

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    No table padding on IE for PC

    A small difference in the way IE and other browsers interpret table attributes:

    Browsers other than IE will show padding if it is applied to the table tag.

    table {

    IE does not recognize table padding, and will show contained elements as flush with the edges of the table.

    For example:

    This is the way Safari 2.0 renders the code below. Note the 6 pixel white padding area between the edge of the table and the edge of the tr.

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    Testing: form fields don’t display content in Safari in cloned node

    The code for the 3 column layout for this blog is partly borrowed from and However now I see why they don’t put images and form elements in the article body itself!

    The images and text area fields make it difficult for the script to calculate a good 1/3 column height to correctly position the duplicate columns vertically, and I’m having problems with Safari not showing the contents of text-area form fields within the article layers. I believe it has something to do with the fact that Safari uses the Apple web widgets instead of standard form widgets. Perhaps the text is on another layer that I’m not aware of.

    It will take some time to work out a solution, so bear with me. I’m going to make the code in relevant pages accessible as soon as possible.

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