Author: ellen

Upgrade your Subcategories Plugin

A few days ago, I deleted 2 MovableType categories that did not have any entries in them. The next time I tried to publish an entry, I got this error:

Can't call method "label" without a package or object reference at plugins/ line 67

It turns out that the Subcategories plugin could not deal with non-continuous numbering of category id’s. Deleting the two categories caused gaps at #3, and #11.

I did a quick search and came up with this page:
Comments on SubCategories version 0.2.1

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Accessing the main timeline from a loaded SWF on another level.

I have a flash file which loads an external SWF (call it external.swf) into the main timeline, on level 10. In this case, using _root or _parent to call the symbols on the main timeline will not work, since _root or _parent would refer to items on _level10.

The main timeline also contains a movie clip called “swapColors_mc” with two frames called “red” and green”.

To control the color change of swapColors_mc by clicking a button in external.swf once it is loaded, open “external.fla” (the original flash file from which external.swf is created) and add this actionscrip to the button:

on (release) {

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Winning the war on Greenwater Algae

For about 4 months, I fought a war against greenwater algae in our big aquarium, home of our pet oscars. If you don’t know what an oscar is, they are the most cantankerous, petulant, opinionated tropical fish ever created and they make great pets. They are members of the cichlid family, and are extremely smart, even trainable.

My oscar, Galadrial, showing her friendlier side

But this article is not about oscars. It’s about their unwanted tankmate: greenwater algae. This algae was so thick I couldn’t even see the fish! They would swim in and out of the green gloom. There are those who will tell you that greenwater algae is good for your fish, and indeed, it may be. But it doesn’t look very good in your living room, and I wanted to be able to see the oscars! So I determined to rid my tank of the ugly, smelly stuff.

This looks a lot like my tank did. Try to imagine 120 gallons of this algae soup in your living room!
photo © Charles Yu, from an FAQ article on algae by George Booth

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