Author: ellen

Debugging and troubleshooting HTML and javascript

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Firefox, the web developer’s debugging tool of choice

The best browser to use to check javascript errors is Firefox, hands down. Other browsers have some error reporting, but none give you anywhere near the detailed information as Firebug, an addon to Firefox. The extensions available allow you to snoop into every aspect of your page, and into the communication between page and server.

You will need to get several Firefox extensions:

Firebug is the one extension I can’t live without. It shows errors in javascript, css, allows you to inspect the HTML source, computed style, events, etc.

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No table padding on IE for PC

A small difference in the way IE and other browsers interpret table attributes:

Browsers other than IE will show padding if it is applied to the table tag.

table {

IE does not recognize table padding, and will show contained elements as flush with the edges of the table.

For example:

This is the way Safari 2.0 renders the code below. Note the 6 pixel white padding area between the edge of the table and the edge of the tr.

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Firefox more sensitive to malformed comment tags

Firefox is much stricter in parsing comment tags than Safari or IE.
Comments should have 2 hyphens after the exclamation point, no more, no less, and there should be no hyphens within the body of the comment.

is OK, but
is not, particularly in Firefox.

Example 1 shows a table surrounded by a properly formed comment tag.
Example 2 shows the same table surrounded by a tag with too many hyphens – the table and all code between comment tags disappears – in Firefox.

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