Author: ellen

Dreamweaver: Mass Detach from Template

There are times when you may find it necessary to detach hundreds of pages from their Dreamweaver templates. Unfortunately, within the Dreamweaver interface the only way to detach multiple files from their templates is to open each one, then select “Modify:Templates:Detach from Template” from the menu.

A better way to go is to use a simple “grep” search in BBEdit:

  1. Make sure you have a backup of your site. You can cause truly spectacular destruction with mass search and replace! OK, you’ve been warned!
  2. Open BBEdit, and select Find from the Search menu. The Find & Replace dialog will appear. (click to enlarge)

  3. Continue reading

Safari Slowdowns

After upgrading to 10.4.7 I started noticing frequent slowdowns in Safari. The “Spinning Rainbow Cursor of Death” was becoming a constant occurence.

There are plenty of recommendations about how to fix this common issue.

  • Delete the contents of the icons folder in ~/Library/Safari
  • replace the syndication agent at

    with a copy from a Mac OS X system that does not have problems (subscription required)

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    Using the Nord Electro updater and Nord Electro Tool

    The new piano sounds available for the Nord Electro B3 clone keyboard only work with Nord operating system v. 3.0 or greater. So you may find that even if you haven’t updated before, you will want to do so now.

    The updater is pretty easy to use: simply download it from Update Nord Electro OS v3.00 (OS X) or

    Update Nord Electro OS v3.00 (Windows)

    You will need a midi interface, the Nord, and your computer. You may also need drivers for the midi interface, possibly even if you are using a Mac.

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