Author: ellen

The biggest medical stories of the year

There were some incredible breakthroughs in medicine this year:

Diabetes and Nerve function linked
Drop in the incidence of breast cancer
New treatments for Macular Degeneration
Progress toward an Alzheimer’s Vaccine and other treatments

Diabetes linked to nerve function in the pancreas
One of the biggest stories, if it is confirmed by other researchers, is the discovery of the relationship between the nervous system and diabetes.

Diabetes Breakthrough | National Post

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Can’t paste text into a file within Dreamweaver 8

Working on a Dreamweaver site the other day, I tried to paste text from an email into the page. When CTR-V didn’t work, I tried the menu – but the paste option was grayed out.

It turns out this has something to do with having moved the site files panel over to the left monitor. (Yet another glitch in Window’s implementation of a two monitor setup.)

The solution is:

Close DW8 and Navigate as follows:
– Documents and settings
– Administrator or whatever your user account name is
– Application data
– Macromedia
– DW8
– rename the “configuration” folder

Restart Dreamweaver 8 – the problem should be gone.

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