Author: ellen

Detect browser support for style properties

It is common to use object detection to discriminate between browser capabilities (See Quirksmode: Object Detection.

However, sometimes it is necessary to detect whether or not a browser understands a particular CSS style property, and it is not obvious how to do this.

You can’t test for the existence of the property directly but you can test for the data type of the value of the property. If the data type is anything but “undefined”, the property is understood by the browser.

The example below shows a couple of rows from an automatically generated table of items. Each row has a corresponding editable version which shows up when the “edit” button is clicked. The original, non-editable row is hidden at the same time the editable row is displayed. If “display=’block” is used to display the TR, Safari will render it as a TD. To correct this, “display=’table-row” must be used on browsers that understand it.

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The Cuttlefish: An Intelligent Cephalopod

Before I visited the Georgia Aquarium, most of what I used to know about cuttlefish included the fact that they can be purchased neatly packaged in dried chewy form in Japanese groceries. So, I was very surprised when I first met one face to face in the Georgia Aquarium and realized they are remarkably intelligent creatures.

Cuttlefish are invariably curious about people, and will come up and try to get a better look if you catch their eye. They are precision swimmers, able to hover motionless near an object of interest by rippling their skirt of fins, only to suddenly jet off in another direction using their funnel siphon when they have seen enough.

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iPhone “No Service” message

NOTE: I’ve recently posted a better summary of how to troubleshoot this problem, with more fixes, and links to more information. I recommend you take a look at it before getting started: [“No Service” message on iPhone, part 2]

My iPhone started displaying a “No Service” message a few days ago. When it didn’t go away, I called the ATT Wireless people. Here are the easy steps to cure the problem:

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