VB error: Object required: '[string: "foo"]'
October 20, 2010
ASP | Troubleshooting | Web Building

When writing a script to display an RSS feed, I got the following error:

Error: Object required: '[string, 136]'
This is because I was using the SET command to create a string, as shown below:

Dim itm
itm = lnk.link
Dim itmid
Set itmid = Split(itm,"=")(1)

resulted in the error

Error: Object required: '[string, 136]'

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Posted by ellen at October 20, 2010 01:36 PM

where this...

Dim itm  
itm = lnk.link
Dim itmid
itmid = Split(itm,"=")(1)

..resulted in no errors.

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