Troubleshooting iPhone "No-Service" messages, part 3
September 25, 2010
Most Popular | Hardware | Troubleshooting | iPhone

I've written in the past about some of the solutions people have come up with to deal with the dreaded "No-Service" message on an iPhone. But yesterday I realized I'd forgotten one of the easiest to try: make sure your hand is not covering the antenna. Covering the antenna accidentally may not cause you to see "No Service" but the effect will be the same - no bars at all.

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Posted by ellen at September 25, 2010 05:44 PM

Check that your hand is not covering the thin black line on either side of the metal band around the phone, toward the bottom. Move your palm away from it and possibly try restarting the phone. With as much publicity as this got a few months ago, I still forget now and then.


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1 Comment

My iphone 3gs is saying searching,no service constantly and when you call it from another phone it goes to voicemail I rest it and still nothing?

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