.htaccess tricks Allow public access to a subdirectory
January 07, 2011
Snippets | Troubleshooting | Web Building

I run a little site that is mostly access-protected. If it is viewed from a location within the company IP, no password is needed. If viewed from outside the company firewall, it will ask for a user-id and password. However we wanted to make one subdirectory public.

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Posted by ellen at January 07, 2011 05:56 PM
After trying to add various combinations of "Allow Override" and <Directory > and Location sections to the .htaccess files, and getting nothing but server errors like ".htaccess: In /root_dir/private/ AuthType Basic AuthName "webroot" require valid-user Deny from all

# inside company firewall
Allow from 100.100.243
Satisfy Any

In /root_dir/private/public/
Satisfy Any
Allow from All

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