Images in Word docs created on Mac cannot be seen on Windows
May 13, 2008
Mac OS X | Microsoft Word | Powerpoint | Windows

If you add screenshot images to a Word or Powerpoint document on a Mac, by either dragging them onto the page or pasting them in, chances are they will not be visible on a PC. PC users will see a gray box placeholder instead, containing the words "QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture."

The trick is to edit the images slightly within Word, by clicking the redeye tool on each picture. This forces Word to save it in a compatible format.

Thanks very much to Peter Clark for this just-in-time clue!

The trick is to edit the images slightly within Word, by clicking the redeye tool on each picture. This forces Word to save it in a compatible format.

Thanks very much to Peter Clark for this just-in-time clue!

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Posted by ellen at May 13, 2008 08:08 AM

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