PhpSuexec and Movabletype
July 23, 2007
MoveableType | PHP | Web Building

Recently, my webhost enabled phpsuexec on the server, and several of the web applications on my site stopped working. Movabletype began rebuilding pages with the wrong permissions, so browsing an affected page would generate a 500 error.

The way to fix this problem is to add

DBUmask 0022
HTMLUmask 0022
UploadUmask 0022
DirUmask 0022

to your mt-config.cgi file

More information on this is available at:

  • Running Movable Type with suexec or cgiwrap

  • Chapter D: Configuration Directives (version 3.3)

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    Posted by ellen at July 23, 2007 08:55 AM

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